I was born on 14th November 1963 in Scarborough, North Yorkshire and was named Debra Ann (maiden name Boreham). I moved with my Mum and Dad to Rayleigh, Essex when I was three years old. I went to Glebe Infants and Junior School in Rayleigh and subsequently attended the Sweyne School, also in Rayleigh. I attended Dawe Commercial College in Southend-on-sea. |
I am currently what is known as a 'Domestic Engineer' or, as was in the pre-politically correct speak, a housewife. I gave up work at the end of 1994 as Geoff started up a consultancy company after he was made redundant at the end of 1993 - a few months after Bradley was born. Following closure of the family business due to my husband being made an offer by a large Pharmaceutical Company, and relocating to Stone, I am now seeking a part time position that coincides with Bradley's schooling. My work background is essentially in a variety of clerical support roles from a Quality Assurance Managers Secretary in the Oil, Gas and Nuclear Industry to to a probate secretary in the Legal Profession. I have a good practical experience of technology used in the latter day office and can apply previous experience to new roles. I have held clerical positions in various companies and institutions as listed below. |
I have a couple of main interests, mainly Cross-stitch and music.
My musical tastes are quite varied. I very much like Neil Diamond
and have seen him in concert on the past two occasions he has been
in the UK. My 'likes' though range from Elvis Presley to Boyzone
with a little bit of Heart on selected tracks from late seventies through
to the mid eighties (introduced to me by Geoff around 1983 when we first
got together), and a wide spectrum of selected bands and artists. I do
not like (c)rap music or rave music but generally ballads and melodic
stuff. I currently have the music-sound-track CD from the Steven Seagal
(ooh!) film 'Fire Down Below' in my CD player. Cross Stitch is something I got interested in around 1995. I worked on one piece for about eighteen months which I gave to my favourite Cousin, Fay in Scarborough as a wedding present. Click on the thumbnail bottom left to see this. A couple of others are shown with a Cross Stitch link if you are interested. Bottom right is a link to CD NOW which is a very good on-line retailer. Their site provides information on bands and artistes and is generally a good 'canned music' resource. |