Debbie & Geoff's Grandparent's Lines to the present

Duke Family Tree Page

Debbie & Geoff's   Debbie & Geoff's
Parents Aunties       Cousins                               Next
 and Uncles          & Siblings        Children           Generation
________________   ________________    _________________  ___________   

George and Annie Duke's Line Joan Duke Susan James Married Tom Edwards Alfred Married Geoffrey Robert Bradley Jimi Duke (3) Rose Ethel Duke (3) Married Reeves (1) Debra Ann Boreham (6) Ronnie Duke Stephen Duke George Ian Duke Dylan Daniel Duke Grace Sally-Ann Duke Doris Duke Carol Samantha (Tilley) Barry Patricia Leslie Neil Johnny 1 Child Alan Dean Leslie Katie Holly Neil George (Jacko) Never Married & No Children

Debbie & Geoff's   Debbie & Geoff's
Parents Aunties       Cousins                               Next
 and Uncles          & Siblings        Children           Generation
________________   ________________    _________________  ___________  

Charles and Rose Reeve's Line Charles Reeves Never Married & No Children Sidney Reeves Married Elizabeth (Betty) No Children Ivy Reeves Karen Shane (Forrest) Sara Louise Married George Samuel Ian Daniel Scott Charlie George Frederick Reeves David Married Maureen Son Daughter Rose Ethel Geoffrey Robert Bradley Jimi Duke (3) Reeves (1) Duke (3) Married Married Alfred Debra Ann Boreham Duke 1953 (6) Married James Porter 2000

Debbie & Geoff's Debbie & Geoff's Parents Aunties Cousins Next and Uncles & Siblings Children Generation ________________ ________________ _________________ ___________

James and May Boreham's Line Peggy Boreham David Son Married Clive Son Henderson (2)(4) Susan Anna Sarah (2) Siblings Lisa Patricia Boreham Jason Married Michael (Mick) Wells Jackie Jonathan Laura Edward (Ted) Married Leni (German) who already had a son (Peter). They had no children between them. Raymond John Debra Ann Boreham Bradley Jimi Duke (3) Boreham (John) (Duke) (6) Married (5) Married Mary Constance Geoffrey Robert Henderson(2) Duke (3) David John Boreham Alex Harvey Boreham

Debbie & Geoff's   Debbie & Geoff's
Parents Aunties       Cousins                               Next
 and Uncles          & Siblings        Children           Generation
________________   ________________    _________________  ___________  

Hilda Adcock's (Quantrill, Henderson) Line Frank Quantrill Jeremy Son Geoffrey Wendy (Deceased) Anne Married Dorothy (Wendy's mother) Later Married Anne (Deceased) Derek Henderson Richard Married June John Diane Sharon Son Daughter Clive Henderson David Son Married Peggy Son Boreham (4) Peggy Boreham Susan Anna Married Clive Susan Sarah Lisa Leslie Quantrill Michael Son (Deceased) Daughter (Formerly Henderson) Married Betty Yvonne Stephanie Girl Baby to be born David Henderson Fay Heidi Amanda (Mandy) Richard Liam Mary Constance Debra Ann Boreham Bradley Jimi Duke (3) Henderson (Duke) (6) Married Married Raymond Geoffrey Robert John Boreham (5) Duke (3) David John Boreham Alex Harvey Boreham